Not to sure what the onions and hats thing is all about but it seems to be the subjects I have chosen for the blog. Well for three weeks know I have been working on orders for these hats, it first started out as me knitting a sample for people to see what the hand dyed yarn would look like knit up and has know turned into a full time job!! I have knit about a dozen of them since the first one. My advice would be never place a little hat on a cute baby if you are not prepared to make anymore. Don't get me wrong it has been fun, I am just surprised at the interest in theses little fellows. Now the onions that you see in the picture along with my shadow (cool picture completely by accident) I had to harvest just after the storm as the tomato plants got flattened by the rain and in turn flattened the onions, It is all good though everything is still growing well just more at ground level now
Well today is a day of adventure I am hooking off again (two days in one month) and traveling to the south shore with a friend, we are hoping to get inspired by all the colors of nature and come back all ready to produce some wonderful textiles. (bye bye Hats) on to bigger and better things.